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ACI Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector (CTCI)
6880 S. Yosemite Ct, #100
Centennial, Colorado 80112
United States
Monday, May 20, 2024, 8:00 AM to Friday, May 24, 2024, 5:00 PM MDT
Category: Certifications


A Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector is a person who has demonstrated proficiency in concrete inspection methods for transportation projects, including preplacement, placement, and post-placement operations. A Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector-in-Training is a person who has demonstrated knowledge in concrete inspection methods for transportation projects, but does not have the experience required to qualify as an ACI Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector.

“Full” includes registration, the ACI CP-31 reference package, a 3-day training/refresher course prior to exam day, and certification if a passing grade is obtained. “Written Only” and “Plans Only” include only the administration of the appropriate portion of the exam.

Registration is open now. 

Contact: [email protected]